Your unique Ayurveda body type or individual constitution (Prakriti) is one of the most important concepts of Ayurvedic medicine.
According to the Ayurvedic doctrine, we all have a very unique constitution that determines how we “tick” or function metabolically and how we tend to respond to stimuli from the environment.
Why, for example, do some people always feel cold while others can tolerate cold easily? Why do some people gain weight fast while others struggle to do so? Why do some people always worry while others tend to be calm and balanced? Why are certain people prone to certain illnesses while others tend to suffer from totally different problems?
The answer according to Ayurveda lies in our unique constitution, or “Prakriti”. The better we understand our individual constitution and the factors that negatively and positively influence our unique state of health, the better we can prevent imbalances from developing. These imbalances, when left untreated, are the basis for the development of diseases.
Ayurveda clearly urges us to not wait for a disease to develop but to actively engage in creating a lifestyle that is in itself healthy, balanced and harmonious. For us in order to succeed in doing so, we need to take into consideration (1) our individual constitution or Prakriti – which is our unique makeup, including our physiological, mental and emotional tendencies, (2) our Vikriti – which are our current imbalances, (3) our lifestyle – which includes our diet, our thoughts and emotions and all other activities that we choose to engage in, and (4) the impact of the seasons on our body. All the above aspects influence us either towards a state of health and balance or away from it and they all have individually or in conjunction the power to bring our body-mind-spirit unit into imbalance. In other words: they have the potential to form the ground on which diseases can begin to grow.