In Sanskrit the word for health is “svastha”. The term doesn’t only refer to physical health but also includes our senses, our mind and our soul. Full health is achieved when all of these components manage to interact harmoniously with each other. The state of “svastha” can be reached by subscribing to an Ayurvedic lifestyle.
Traditionally, Ayurveda is not only used to treat already existing diseases but also to prevent the development of new disorders. According to the principles of Ayurveda, a disease is the result of a disturbed balance between the three doshas. Imbalances to one’s unique state of dosha equilibrium is mainly caused by wrong diet and wrong lifestyle. Other contributing factors are digestion, metabolism, climate, environment, age, season and traumatic experiences.
According to the classic Ayurvedic teachings, almost all diseases can be treated with Ayurveda – even though it may take months or years for the symptoms to improve. In Western countries, Ayurveda is often used to treat chronic problems such as allergies, headaches, skin diseases, digestive disorders, rheumatic diseases, sleep disorders and to improve general well-being as well as immunity. We at AmrtaSiddhi offer a variety Ayurvedic Programs to achieve this. Our Ayurvedic protocols focus on detoxification, weight management and rejuvenation.