Your unique Ayurveda body type or individual constitution (Prakriti) is one of the most important concepts of Ayurvedic medicine. Your body type is determined by your “dosha”, either Vata, Pitta or Kapha, or a combination of any of these three doshas.
While all three doshas are present in all of us, there is always a certain dosha, or combination of doshas more dominant than others. Most people’s constitution is made up of a combination of 2 dominant doshas. In some cases, there is only one dosha dominant and in very rare cases, all three doshas are equally represented. You can begin to get some good ideas about your own individual constitution by taking our Ayurveda quiz!
Vata types are characterized by a slim and delicate physique. Their skin is often cool and dry and, like their hair, thin. Vata types are shaped by the elements air and ether. For this reason, this constitutional type tends to have a proclivity for movement and change. Vata types are quick thinkers who can work flexibly and creatively. They also enjoy learning new things. They have an open and alert personality and enjoy communicating. Vata types prefer warm weather and tend to feel uncomfortable when it is cold or windy.
Pitta types are characterized by an average physique and tend to be more muscular than Vata types. They usually have a good digestion and experience hunger more intensive than the other two body types. Pitta types tend to be ambitious, competitive and can have intense personalities. They have a sharp intellect and are good when it comes to convincing other people. However, they also tend to overestimate themselves and are often perceived as arrogant, dominant and controlling. Pitta types usually love some form of sports and are therefore fit and athletic. They do not shy away from challenges.
Kapha types tend to have a rather stout physique and they often need some special convincing before becoming physically active. They usually are calm, patient and good-natured, which makes them pleasant contemporaries to be around. Kapha types are rarely prone to stress and they are able to keep their calm even in hectic moments. They prefer to avoid arguments and are known for their reliability and loyalty. This constitutional type works persistently and methodically. Kapha types enjoy food and activities that do not involve a lot of physical activity.