- Fixed daily routines
Fixed daily routines help to keep your Vata in check because they directly balance some of Vata’s qualities. The more stable and rhythmic your daily routine is, the more you control Vata’s erratic nature.
- Drink warm beverages and eat warm, cooked food
Vata is cool by nature. It is also drying and ever changing. Since your constitution is Vata, you have these qualities in you by birth, written deep in your genetic code as it were. This is the reason why your digestion is sensitive and easily disturbed. Imagine you want to cook (digest) something over a campfire (your digestive power). If there is a lot of wind, the quality of the flame is compromised because it is constantly moving. The same happens in your body. If Vata is high, Pitta, which regulates digestive processes, is disturbed and your digestion compromised. Warm, cooked food is easier to digest than cold or raw food and warm beverages help to keep you warm and support digestion.
- Eat more frequently and less in quantity
Due to the erratic nature of Vata and its tendency to disturb digestion, it is much better to eat smaller quantities and compensate this with an increase in frequency. This makes sure you don’t overload and challenge your already sensitive digestion and allow for proper digestion of the food.
- Add plenty of healthy fats to your diet
Healthy fats from olives, linseeds, fish and various nuts are extremely important for the Vata diet. Since Vata is drying, oils help counterbalance this quality. And the inherent heaviness of the oils will help you to stay grounded.
- Allow for ample rest
It is easy for you to become overly exited and then get carried away by overthinking or erratic physical actions, even to the point, where you forget or suppress your natural urges to eat, rest and sleep. This, in conjunction with your rather limited supply of energy is a recipe for exhaustion, physical crashes and mental breakdowns. Therefore: make sure you give yourself plenty of rest.
- Get regular oil massages
Massages, executed professionally and with correct oils, help to stabilize Vata, nourish and moisten your skin and relax your mind.
- Spend time in nature
Mother nature is amazing. Go for walks in nature, do some Yoga in the park, gently row across a lake and meditate under a tree…the possibilities are endless. As you engage with nature, notice the colours, fragrances and sounds around you. This will help you to get out of your head and into the awareness of the body and ultimately calm your mind – and your Vata!